Weforgot that we also wanted to talk a little bit about our upcoming LP. We havebeen listening to the rough mixes for a few weeks now. we can’t wait to getback behind a mixer and set of speakers with our buddy Mass Giorgini over @Sonic Iguana Studios!
We have been playing around with a few album titles and some art work, both tobe revealed at a later date. (soon!) for now here is a track listing in noparticular order.

Dont Ask Me
Forgot About Your Ways
To Be Gone
Bit Of Greene (Ted)
Not Enough
Hey Hey
The Gavel
Running Blind
Personal Poison
For kicks we have put the rough mix of “To Be Gone” in our siteplayer at the bottom of the page. Check it out and let us know what you thinkover at our FB Page.
– Root Hog
If we get enough responses I might be tempted to let another song slip onto theplayer by accident.